Welcome to IVAO Central America

We provide all necessary training, documentation, resources and support to help users enjoy their Flight Sim hobby. With access to real world documents from the DGAC in Central America, our goal is to provide a realistic and exciting online experience as a Controller or Pilot in command. 


Active Pilots

  • TAI503 MGGT -> SKBO
  • AA034 MMUN -> MHLM
  • DAI24 MGGT -> MSLP

Active ATC

  • MSLP_APP 02:14
  • MROC_CTR 00:28
  • MHTG_TWR 01:04

Upcoming Events

XS 2nd Anniversary Airbridge
XS 2nd Anniversary Airbridge

Buenas tardes, queremos invitarlos cordialmente al Evento de Celebración del 2do Aniversario de la División XS. Vamos a estar habilitando un puente bidireccional entre La Aurora y Toncontin el día 04 de agosto desde las 20:00z a las 02:00z (4 … Continuar

Curso G1000
Curso G1000

A toda la comunidad de IVAO XS están cordialmente invitados los PPs o superiores a este curso de Garmin 1000. La inscripción se hace en el siguiente link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeQjmV-yyPouBM45yTnf0MSQGE89SL5qLA1iUSR81q7s8nP1g/viewform?usp=sf_link Para consultas adicionales escribir a xs-events@ivao.aero

Upcoming Exams

Sin entradas

Divisional Tours

Willing to know more about us?

What is IVAO

IVAO, International Virtual Aviation Organization, is a dedicated, independent and free service created in 1998 for all those who want to participate and enjoy flight simulation online. IVAO was created to provide quality support to all its members. 

Our Mission

To form a multisectorial division represented by all the Central American countries where we can unify the air control rules for a professional enviroment in the field of air simulation, as well as promote the more active participación of more.

Our Goal

To increase the activity in Central Ameican Region in order to be considered as a reference division in Latin America and the world with quality members and support. To become one of the most important point of interest in the network for events and training.as well as promote the more active participación of more.


The new tools that Ivao offers for pilots!

The IVAO Pilot Client, known as Altitude, is a complement that Allows flight simulation programs to connect to the IVAO network.

Aurora enables pilots to effectively communicate with ATC units and automatically change the frequencies of communication. Squawk codes, transponder mode and METAR information are also some of the many functions available to the pilot through Aurora.
Pilot Client

IVAP Software

The most efficient software used for controlling in the network

The IVAO ATC Client, known as IVAC, is a program standalone developed specifically for IVAO, based on the real radars of Belgocontrol, Eurocontrol and Amsterdam Radar, which allows you to control on the network.

IVAC is a feature rich application that provides a comprehensive set of tools for positions ranging from delivery to central controllers. This client of free software allows you to stay connected and coordinate with our online pilots.
Aurora ATC Client

IVAC Sotware

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